Sunday 19 December 2010

Final Thoughts.

The end of another course and i find myself asking the questions what have i learned and has it improved my work? What I've learned is a simple one, to begin with i learned that with landscape photograph alot of it comes down to patents and planning. Sometime shots don't work out how you planned they would and its a matter of sitting down and deciding how they could be improved either say by changing the perspective, try returning at a different time of day when the light will be different or even goes as far as to return at a completely different season until you get the shot you want. I think looking at someone like Fay Godwin and how she work help to instill these facts more then anything and i now can look at many scenes and think to myself that there a photo in their somewhere i just have to take the time to find it.
Something else I've found myself doing in this course which i maybe in the past haven't spent as much time studying is other photographers work. I now see how this can help you creatively as many people tend to use different methods (none of which are wrong) to get across their views concerning different issues and beliefs.
When i look back at some of my work from the beginning of this course and compare it to my photos from the end i feel there has been an improvement in some areas. I think I've improved my subject chooses and have sorted out the problems i had when creating depth in a scene which was one of my major concerns in the beginning. Also i now feel more confident to shot with camera settings that I'd never before gone near for example alot of the time I'd leave the camera set to alter and let the camera set the exposure and f-stops and so on but know I'll always have a go at producing my own settings first and then if i can't get it right fall back then on the auto settings.
I feel I've made some clear strides in this course and now plan to move on and takes these further in the next few courses so as to develop my own stile of work.