Wednesday 29 September 2010

Project 30- Wide-Angle Views - Near and Far.

For this project the aim was to study wide-angled views and put into practice methods such as the use of a tripod near to the ground level and controlling the depth of field so that the whole image is sharp and in focus.

My first shot above i didn't need to use a tripod to get the depth of field right as the light was pretty good so that at even around f/22 with a grad. filter attached it was still possible to shot at speeds which were more suited for hand held photography. I felt that the cows gave a good point of interest in the foreground and because of the downward slope of the river valley beyond and the raised position of the animals it made a very natural looking shot in which although there isn't any pattern or shape to the way the cows are positioned it just seems right.

My next shot needed a little more effort as i had to take into account the movement of the crops and poppies even thought the breeze wasn't really that strong it was still creating enough movement that if i hadn't got my exposure settings just right the whole shot would have been spoiled. In processing this shot i tried cropping it in a few different way but though this work best because first the sky was quiet dull and featureless meaning as mention earlier in the course it was best to completely remove it which meant i ended up with a very square shot but what it does do is focus the attention on the poppies while still drawing the eye maybe not as well as it could through the rest of the frame.

This is my personal favorite in this project as i liked the way the rock almost mirrors the rolling form of the landscape its sitting in, again with this shot i had to use a tripod as the light was so poor meaning a longer shutter speed was needed.
I do feel quiet competent with the use of wide angled views as explained in this part of the course as its something that I've been using already in previous assignments and projects but i understand that its best to go over all these points to make sure we're aware of how and when its best to use them.