Wednesday 10 November 2010

Project 37- Ways of Dramatising A Landscape.

My tutor has said to me more then once that a lot of my work appears to have very dramatic skies in them and whether i like this effect? To be truthful i do quiet like the feel that a dramatic sky gives a landscape but i do also understand what he's trying to say in that you don't always need this within a landscape, they don't have to be dramatic to be effective but there are other ways of creating this kind of landscape.

INHERENTLY SPECTACULAR SUBJECTS- These can be such things as cliffs, mountains,deserts,oceans,moorlands things that are so large they dominate the view. A heavy sea with a boat begin tossed about in it.

AN EXTREME FOCAL LENGTH- This could be either with a very wide angle lens or a telephoto lens. Taking in a view from on top of a mountain with the landscape spread out below you.

RICH COLOURS- This can be accomplished with a little bit of timing for example at sunrise or sunset when the cloud cover is just right because the light from the sun will reflect off them to produce a whole range of colours, or even in some countries in the autumn time the landscapes can become so full of different colours from reds to gold.

BACKLIGHTING- This can be used to create silhouettes within a landscape but again its down to timing and getting the right strength of light, for example a row of wind turbines on top of a hill as the light drops behind them.

UNUSUAL COMPOSITION- Where the composition of the subject is so abstract that its almost unrecognisable. For example crop or wall lines.