Saturday 17 July 2010

Fay Godwin's Work.

On the advise of my tutor i had a look at Fay Godwin's work because he said that because of my interest in the British countryside her work would appeal to me. The first thing i noticed about her work is that she kept things very straight forward, by this i mean she didn't try to over complicate what she was shotting for example in Top Withens, Chad Valley, 1977 its just the grassland, tree and building but you get the idea of it being a desolate wind swept area just from these small features. I was surprised to find that in the majority of her work she didn't feel the need to include any people in the scene but yet still managed to make the world seem lived in by including the signs of human activity within the landscape such as the drainage ditches, the sole sign standing on its or even the industrial scene of Colne in Lancashire. Finally like all great photographers who chose to work in black and white she had great control over the contrast thought the scene meaning that she understood how and when to use the light to get the results she wanted and like I've said before about Ansel Adams you have to respect that because they didn't have digital cameras where they could see if they'd got the exposure wrong they just knew how to setup the camera right from year of experience of working in the outdoors. As ever my tutor wasn't wrong in thinking I'd find here work interesting plus it's given me some ideas for my next assignment.