Tuesday 13 July 2010

Project 19- Choosing the Moment.

When shooting early in the morning or late in the evening you have to be aware of how fast the light changes because in the blick of an eye a shadow that didn't effect the image one minute can now completely spoil the whole landscape. With the shots above you can see clearly how over the period of about 30 minutes the shadow of the hedgerow rapidly increases spreading further into the frame. Also you can see how the colour cast on to the corn changes because it starts off being very yellow at the beginning but by the end it has a very reddish cast to it. This wasn't something that I'd ever taken a lot of notice of before but having completed the last couple of project and having spent quiet a few evenings now standing around watching how the light changes the landscapes around me i now feel that i understand that in the hours before sunset and after sunrise then light tends to be best for certain images but you have to be on your toes because things can change fast.