Tuesday 13 July 2010

Project 24- Clouds and Sky.

The aim of this project was to produce images where the sky and clouds dominated the scene. I found this a useful section because I'd never really considered how the sky can effect the feel of the shot or that with the right sky/cloud conditions even the most uninteresting photo can suddenly make an impact. Soft light clouds as in the above photo give the scene a far lighter less oppressive feel as compared to some of the more stormer Sky's below.

This shot in particular you really feel the weight of the sky pressing down on the landscape, you just know its going to chuck it down any second.

With this shot above i wanted to try something a little different by seeing how gaining alot of high and getting level with the clouds effected the feel they have on the shot. There quiet heavy clouds similar to the second shot but by being nearly above them they don't feel as flat an they make an interesting comparison to the similar structure of the landscape below.

I know alot of my work above does quiet fit into the guide lines set out in the course which where that the horizon line should be near the bottom of the frame, but i feel that because alot of the cloud formations are either very large or seem extremely heavy they dominate the scene still as strongly while keeping the shot well balanced overall.