Tuesday 13 July 2010

Project 20- Sun Stars and Diffraction.

This was a very simple project in which i had to create images showing what they call a "sun star" effect. This is produced mainly by using a low iso and a small aperture while keeping the sun relatively small within the landscape.


500secs at f22


250secs at f22


125secs at f22

What you can see from the above shots is that by altering the exposure you can effect the size and shape of the rays produced by the sun, i particularly like the rainbow halo that is produced around the sun. This is good effect to be aware of but I'm not sure its something that i would look to use very often as i don't like including the sun in my landscape work that much unless its at sunrise/sunset when you can make it a really eye catching part of the image.

I did produce this shot as part of assignment 2, it show what this project is trying to illustrate as well as anything I've produced so far.