Tuesday 13 July 2010

Project 23- Soft Light.

For this project you were as to shot 3 photos under overcast light conditions, these kind of conditions naturally soften the light because the cloud acts as a diffuser similar to the kind you would use in studio photography. What i thought this project was trying to get across is that in this country alot of the time you'll find yourself confronted by these conditions on a regular basis and they shouldn't be avoided all of the time because they can be used to create good images.

In the shot above i used the approach of using a neutral graduated filter to darken the sky because normally you'd be left with a very bright white sky which obviously spoils a perfectly good image but by doing this you still can keep as much of the sky in the shot as you would normally be happy with.

Although with this second shot the cloud was breaking up a little it hadn't gone so far as to completely loss the softer light i was looking for. Under a clear blue sky at the time of day i took this shot the end result would have seemed a little darker because the stronger light would have increased the amount of shadow around the bass of the trees while also the sky might have over dominated the view. With conditions as they where the end results are much better because what shadows there are see softer and do not hide as much detail, while the very light sky doesn't over power it just feels more natural.

The final shot in this section has shares similar points with the previous image in that with stronger light the shadows between the two hedgerows would have hidden alot if not all the detail that make this shot interesting such as the wild undergrowth on the left hand side.

I enjoyed this section alot because its help me to see that it isn't always the right thing to do to avoid shooting in certain conditions because sometimes these can produce a completely different feeling photo which if compared to the same shot taken in full light works better on a number of different levels.