Monday 31 May 2010


What I'm presenting here are the shots that i chose not to send to my tutor and the reasons behind these decisions.

The first photo above i nearly did use but in the end i decided not to because of the position of the building. I didn't like the solid brick wall facing the camera because i thought it over powered the whole shot drawing to much away from the flowers in the foreground. What I'm trying to show is the contrast between the boarded up house begin quiet dilapidated and the fresh new flowers growing around it in the over grown garden. Although i didn't manage to get this across here with photo 13 i did a much better job. Another problem i had with this one was that it felt a little to busy/to much going on in the frame, i much prefer to keep things more simple if i can.

Shot Settings-

  • f/13
  • 400 secs
  • 400 ISO
  • 18mm

The reason i didn't use this image was although it has good lighting its missing a focal point, what it needs is something on the left hand side which would have given more focus but also balance because it has far to much weight on the right with the tree and hedge line. Produced it from two shots using Photomerge.

My problem here is it lacks any sense of scale/depth and is a little to devoid of life to capture the idea of spring. It would work better with say some wildlife in the foreground and in the summer it'd have far more colour to it. In photo 5 i solved these problems by altering the position and using the trees to create diminished perspective plus also adding a natural track to draw you into the shot.

Shot Settings

  • f/11
  • 320 secs
  • 400 ISO
  • 22mm

Used a group of three shots to make up this images, it does feel springish (if that's a word) but it could have done with the figure from the shot below to make it work better. Just feels to empty, but a little warmer then some of the other shots because of the hint of yellow on the left hand side.

I didn't think this photo captured the idea of spring/new life at all, yes it is a good shot but it doesn't feel like spring because of how bare the landscape is. Its a shame because i like, its got nice balanced with good perspective plus the little colour that's present does stand out. Feels to cold because of the strong amounts of blue and green.
Shot Settings
  • f/11
  • 800 secs
  • 800 ISO
  • 75mm

Similar problems as with the 3rd shot in this section but this has no real standout quality's to it. Yes there's a hint of green returning to the trees which gives it the idea of spring but it needs more than this to make it a good piece of work.

Shot Settings
  • f/11
  • 800 secs
  • 800 ISO
  • 130mm

Similar problems as the 4th shot in this series, thought that by using photomerge could get across the grandeur of the landscape but just doesn't fit the idea of spring.

This was the second shot i experiment with by adding some colour back to it using layers in photoshop. It does have some points that make it kind of stand out as being spring (some trees with leaves on others without) but not enough that i felt it'd fit in with the rest of the work I'd chosen for this assignment. I defiantly keep it in mind for future use because i actually really like it a lot.

I could have either used this one or photo 17, why i left this out was even though it does show slightly more activity with all the boats queuing up i didn't feel the angle was right. By this i mean it would have looked better if their had been a way for me to get higher up a look straight down the canal.
Conclusions on Assignment 1.
I found this one of the hardest assignments I'd done so far, whether this is because i approached it the wrong way but more likely i feel its just hard to find different ways to show spring without continually using the same imagery eg. flowers and trees bursting into light, misty sunrises etc. What i have produced i am very pleased with because I'm happy that i know have a much better feel for adding good depth perception to my work plus i haven't rushed through this assignment but have taken enough time to be sure i got just the shots i wanted. If you want to see the work i sent away to my tutor I'm going to in time put it on my flickr page as soon as i have a chance.