Saturday 29 May 2010

Project 9- Colour Themes.

After doing the previous three courses i can whole heartily say i feel comfortable dealing with colours because it made up quiet a large part of at least two of them and alot of the work i produced involved landscapes in some way.(For this reason two of the following shots are taken from colour projects in the Art of Photography and An Intro. to Digital Photography.)

The aim of this project was to produce three images showing-

  • the largest range of greens that you can find in one view

Like the range here from the very light greens of the grass through darker colours in the heath to the very dark greens in the trees. Felt it added interest to the photo by including the houses and then with the hillside in the distance seeming to loom over the whole scene it all comes together to make a very balance image. This kind of colour range does tend to be the norm in England at least in the summer months when this was taken, i do find it a bit repetitive and do tend to look for anything to break the colour up (suppose this is another reason for including the house), i just don't like shots with a solid mass of colour in.

  • one isolated strong colour set against a contrasting background

This was from a previous project in The Art of Photography to do with contrasting colours so felt it fit in perfectly here to. The contrast clearly is with the yellow of the flowers and the green of the undergrowth, the only point that lets this photo down are the trees in the background apparently. A former tutor told me it look a little to busy and distract you away from the foreground which is the focus of the shot, i can see what he meant but i still feel its a good piece so that why i included it again.

  • the largest range of colour contrast that you can find

I've taken this from the very first course i took An Intro. to Digital Photography, this for a long time was one of my most favorite shots and now i understand why. It has strong perspective with the path drawing you to the tree in the background, also the good contrast between the golden wheat, green of the tree and incredible blue of the sky make it standout. If i was able to retake this now i only change the time of day it was done, by shooting it in the late evening I'd have been able ton use the shadow to add even more perspective plus the lower light would have made the colours far more intense.

I know understanding colours in photography is just as important as understanding light but i do feel that this is just old ground being recovered again, I'm sure there are reasons for it but i just don't understand why?