Monday 24 May 2010

Project 3- Panorama

Panoramic images tend to be long horizontal view with the appeal of them being when used correctly they can give the impression of grandeur and expansiveness. This isn't a new concept to me but at this point after having finish three previous course should there really be that many things that i haven't had my creativeness opened up to. For the work in this project i used a wide angle 15- 30mm lens as this i found produced better results then my standard 18-55mm lens.

The first shot above i knew a panoramic view would work well because i wanted to show the landscape around the house and by shooting this way could really get across the vastness of the isolation. If I'd taken it normally it may have work by using the house as a contrast against the green hillside but you wouldn't have got the impression that the above photo gives.

My next photo doesn't maybe work as well mainly because the idea of getting across the grandeur of the scene isn't achieved. What i should have done was moved myself a little further back so that i could have included more of the rough sea giving it an even more stormy feel. In my defence when i took this the weather was that bad it was hard to just stand still long enough to take the shot without being blow in land about 20 mile!

I used a panoramic shot for this final image because basically it was the only way to fit in the whole scene without using a series of shot merged together in photoshop (I'll come to this in the next project). The only slight problem i have with this photo is again my usual one I'm again lacking something in the frame to give someone looking at in any sense of scale, yes i know that its a bloody big valley spreading out for miles but someone else looking at in wouldn't get this.
(really must resolve this problem and look more closely at how to fix it!)

I think all panoramic photos are best view in large print form or format to get the full impact of the shot. This kind of photography suits me quiet well as i love the great outdoors and feel that this is the best way to convey to someone else the feel or beauty of countryside. Like alot Tom Mackie's work in panoramas, feel he uses it to its full advantages especially with his glacier images.