Saturday 29 May 2010

Project 10- Soft Colours

For this project I'd be looking for landscapes with a soft colour range throughout, this isn't as straight forward as you'd first think because these ranges don't natural occur in a English landscape so I've had to spend so time to find the right range of colours.

This first shot is the best in this set because it captures the idea of this project perfectly. In the scene you have a nice collection of very soft blues and greys which work together well to give the scene a relaxed air. I know it seems a little dull and maybe a little cold also because of this combination of colours but with soft colours this is a problem which often occurs.

Here again you have the blues and greys but this time I've introduced a little yellow which helps fix the problem with the first image. Although the yellow doesn't fit in with the colour range produced by the blues and greys i don't feel it stops the shot from working as a soft colour image because for some reason it just works(not a very good explanation i know but its how i feel about the shot).

The final shot for this project I've gone for something a little different to try and show that soft colours don't just have to feel cold. Here although the range is a little harder then i would have liked you still can see that there is out there scenes where warmer colours can appear softer. If the fog had been greater it would have soften the light which in turn would have soften the colours also.
I found this a very interesting project if a little challenging (which isn't a bad thing) because as I've already said soft colours can some times be a little difficult to find occurring naturally as the British countryside is full of strong colours. I feel that the best chance to capture these colour ranges is probably say on a mist autumn morning because at this time of year you have a greater colour range and the mist would act as a natural softener.